As you will be aware, and as has been our policy for the last year, we require a half terms notice if students wish to stop Bandwagon lessons. This allows us time to fill any spaces that may be available without loss of revenue, and helps us to facilitate our timetable. This is also in line with county and what happens with music lessons at other schools. To clarify moving forward, if we have not heard from you by week 3 of the half term, we will assume that you will be carrying on into the next half term, and those lessons will be billed for, regardless of attendance. Obviously we want to keep as many of your brilliant kids enrolled as possible, but if you do need to suspend or terminate your contract, please let us know by week 3 of the half term before suspension/termination is required. Thanks a lot for your help with this.
Please tell us about any pre-planned absences in advance of the timetable being prepared the week before in order to qualify for a catch up. This gives us the chance to rearrange the timetable and may lead to a catch-up session not being necessary. If you know that there will be a clash, please just ping us an email to secure your catch up/suitably rearranged session for the week.
Unfortunately, if we have not been forewarned by the school, or by parents, and we turn up to school to find that students are absent due to pre-planned absences, or sporting fixtures that have not been disclosed, then, in line with our policy, we do not offer catch up sessions for these.
To put this in perspective, most music teachers do not offer catch up lessons at all in school settings. We believe that if a lesson is paid for and cannot be attended, then as long as parents follow the guidelines of our attendance policy outlined above, they should receive a catch-up session. Thanks so much for your compliance with this policy.
Holidays during term time – If you are taking a holiday during term time, please let us know in plenty of time and we will make sure you get a catch up.
If you child is ill in any way (including colds) we’d really rather they didn’t come to Bandwagon until they are better, even if they are well enough to be in school. If they have been off with Covid, it is imperative that they do not come back to Bandwagon until they are testing negative, as is our policy. When they are in good health they will be scheduled a catch up lesson so that they do not miss out. We thank you in advance for your assistance with this.
Please help to keep us safe, and be aware that if students turn up and appear to be ill, they will be sent back to lessons and receive a catch up at a later date.
- If your child is absent due to illness, please let us know by email on the day and we will schedule a catch up.
- If the absence is pre-planned, please email us with as much notice as possible, and no later than Sunday morning of the week before the absence in order to qualify for a catch up.
Unfortunately we cannot give catch up sessions to any students who forget their session, and any catch ups not attended without notice will not be rescheduled again. This does not apply to Trowse, Thurton and Poringland students; catch ups are sequenced automatically as the teachers tell us whether they are present or not.
If this is something you would like to discuss further please do contact us.